Taloumis Spirals and more


E-commerce b2b which is active in 5 languages. It is aimed at companies related to jewelry. The company mainly manufactures clasps and chains for jewelry stores.

Special features - Characteristics:

The site not only trades items that have been opened in erp, but also items that do not exist and that are likely to be created from a combination of raw materials. Materials such as Color, Alloy, Ex. Diameter, Ins. Chain and Clasp Diameter, Clasp, No. rows actually create millions of combinations and the user can choose to create any they want. The system has a custom multi-complex search which directs the user to the right options to compose items that are or are not yet available as combinations.

Global market sales with presence in 5 languages

Global market sales with presence in 5 languages

Your ERP supports one language. Why should this stop your business from extroverting?

Live search with multiple filters which can bring up to 1,000,000 unique combinations

Live search with multiple filters which can bring up to 1,000,000 unique combinations

Give your customers the freedom to search and compose the item with the features they want

Built-in sales tools for salespeople across the business world

Built-in sales tools for salespeople across the business world

The WEB becomes a real extension of the ERP giving the opportunity to manage and monitor sales anytime and anywhere

Built-in customer behavior tracking mechanisms

Built-in customer behavior tracking mechanisms

To know what your customers are searching for, when they last logged in and why they didn't complete their order. To always be aware and constantly improve your visitors' experience.

Powered by Wefia

Powered by Wefia

Implemented in the unique for Wefia Framewok features